
The Best of Fred’s Dumbshit Rant: Volume 1

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The Best of Fred's Dumbshit Rant: Volume 1

Something’s ticked off Fred, and he’s gonna let us know! You ever wanted to know what it’s like to yelled at by Wizard? Well look no further than The Best of Fred’s Dumbshit Rant: Volume 1. A compilation of Fred’s best rants on the podcasts he’s gone ape shit on.

Track #Segment NameTimeEpisode #
1Lick Boots:3332
2The TOC1:0719
4Ding Chat2:1624
5Unga Bunga3:1332
6Blooper Weed3:4519
7Gear Check4:2031
10Friends Cheating9:2324
11Planning Group10:1431
13Car Doors11:5519
14Fucking Tools13:2024
15Weed, Again14:4032

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The Best of Fred’s Dumbshit Rant: Volume 1 – Released 08/24/22