
BAE Podcast 7 – The Operation MacArthur Recap Show

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BAE Podcast 7 - The Operation MacArthur Recap Show

The boys talk about their feelings about Operation MacArthur. Rufio terrorizes and shows off in front of the new Bae of BAEs, Grainne. Fred makes an appearance. Farruci and Mike discuss terms for a potential podcast battle episode. We also talk about a few things planned for next year.

We talk about:
-Operation MacArthur Recap: 1:38
-Staff Highs and Lows: 33:50
-Come Correct Factor: 47:14
-Sustain and Improve: 57:01
-Next up for BAE: 1:14:24
-Bae of BAEs with Grainne: 1:20:23

Links to things we talked about:
Operation MacArthur Event Page
Operation Cochise Green Event Page

Did you know you could listen to this and the other episodes on Spotify?

BAE Podcast #7 – Released 8/28/19