
BAE Podcast 29 – You Know?

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BAE Podcast 29 - You Know?

Jim and Joe pop on with Liam and we talk about how FIT went. A quick reminder about Snake Beater is put out there as well. We close the chat with talking about how great of a deal the experience we provide at Oregon Trail and all of the other Vietnam Era Experiences.

We talk about:
– Farb Infantry Training (FIT) Review: :57
– Snake Beater Reminder: 6:58
– Ho Bo Woods Review: 8:43
– Oregon Trail Chat: 11:56

Links to things we talked about:
Snake Beater
Farb Infantry Training Event
Sully’s M35 Deuce Maintenance Drive
Kickin Ass Mule Fundraiser Poster
Oregon Trail
FIT Photos

Intro and Outro Song:
“A-Team Theme” composed by Mike Post and Pete Carpenter

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BAE Podcast #29 – Released 05/20/21