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A lot happened between the last episode and this one so the BAE Team talks about everything. They review Steel Cog 5 in depth.
We talk about:
– Steel Cog 5 Review: 1:12
– Metro Airsoft Preseason Expo: 36:29
– Snake Beater: 47:51
– Come Correct Picture Contest: 52:09
– Nam Shit Everyday Update: 1:11:27
Links to things we talked about:
Steel Cog 5: The Memes of Fenrir
The Metro Expo 2021
Snake Beater
Farb Infantry Training Event
The Battle of Duc Lap
Oregon Trail Event
Intro and Outro Song:
“A-Team Theme” composed by Mike Post and Pete Carpenter
Have a question for us to discuss the next episode? Ask it here!
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BAE Podcast #27 – Released 03/23/21