
BAE Podcast 25 – The Year of the BAE

Broken Arrow Events
Broken Arrow Events
BAE Podcast 25 - The Year of the BAE

We’ve just finished our second cycle doing this podcast. This episode is short and sweet but we cover a lot of items. We talk about the upcoming spring and summer, The Battle of Metz, the EMG M16 and much more!

We talk about:
– Battle of Metz Review: 1:06
– The BAE Line-Up: 5:34
– Sully’s Deuce Maintenance Fund: 19:20
– Getting Ready for Oregon Trail: 21:50
– The EMG M16A1, Come Correct?: 29:53
– The End of Our Second Cycle: 41:55

Links to things we talked about:
The Museum of American Armor
The Battle of Metz Event
The Metro Expo 2021
Sully’s Deuce Maintenance Drive
Farb Infantry Training Event
Oregon Trail Event

Intro and Outro Song:
“A-Team Theme” composed by Mike Post and Pete Carpenter

Have a question for us to discuss the next episode? Ask it here!

Did you know you could listen to this and the other episodes on Spotify?

BAE Podcast #25 – Released 01/18/21