
BAE Podcast 23 – Bros, Thanks and Tanks

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BAE Podcast 23 - Bros, Thanks and Tanks

A pretty good podcast with a great cast. The boys talk about a few things like their involvement with LILHA and the Museum of American Armor. We pretty much announce the venue for 2021’s FIT. Is Vietnam airsoft growing? Is BAE’s big event getting… bigger? Since Thanksgiving is right around the corner, the BAE Team talks about what they are thankful for.

We talk about:
– Meet Jim and LILHA: 1:54
– Farb Infantry Training Venue News: 22:00
– Vietnam Airsoft Yearly Review: 28:27
– What are the Fellas Thankful For: 46:37

Links to things we talked about:
The Museum of American Armor

Intro and Outro Song:
“A-Team Theme” composed by Mike Post and Pete Carpenter

Music Played throughout the Episode:
Sundown by Gordon Lightfoot (1974)

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BAE Podcast #23 – Released 11/23/20